Despite a raft of headlines about its potential as a shopping environment in recent months, Second Life creator Linden Labs has conceded that few of its resident stores are yet making fortunes in the virtual world. "Most of the brands that have come in have not created a strong enough presence to create a significant business for them at this moment in time," Linden Labs marketing director ...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Le Web 3: Second Life firms 'not yet strong enough' (e-Consultancy)
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
Le Web 3: Second Life firms 'not yet strong enough' - E-consultancy
Le Web 3: Second Life firms 'not yet strong enough' E-consultancy, UK - Despite a raft of headlines about its potential as a shopping environment in recent months, Second Life creator Linden Labs has conceded that few of its ... |
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
Botswana: Second University to Give Palapye New Lease of Life (
Palapye is one of the fastest growing urban centres in the country. Located between the two major cities of Gabarone and Francistown, the villiage is also the country's main generator of electricity from the Morupule Power Station, which will be undergoing major expansion in two years' time.
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
GENERAL, LIFE AND DEATH AT SAN FRANCISCO'S HOSPITAL OF LAST RESORT / Hospital's Approach Makes Family's Care A ... (San Francisco Chronicle)
During her second year as a family health resident at San Francisco General, Dr. Teresa Villela began to treat Marcia Hernandez, who, like her, is a child of Latino immigrants. Marcia was recovering from drug addiction. Not long afterward, Marcia's father,...
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
The simple life (The Star Online)
HERE is a lesson for fading showbiz types from singer Rahimah Rahim: It’s possible to be a household name for over 20 years, then retire, live a regular life and be truly happy.
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
Second Life virtual people 'use as much power as Brazilians' - IT Week
Second Life virtual people 'use as much power as Brazilians' IT Week, UK - Author Nicholas Carr has claimed that virtual inhabitants of the online world Second Life are having a real-world impact. In a recent ... Sadville 'causes global warming' |
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM
Band to release CD and host release party inside of Second Life
It's a CD release party without the spilled wine, bouncers and paparazzi. The Sarah Mac band is releasing a CD and hosting their release party inside the virtual Second Life world. The event will happen at 3PM PST on Saturday December 2nd on "Muse Isle" a virtual island made for live music performances.
The band says no artist or band has ever released a CD and held the release party inside a virtual world before. Fans will be able to buy the CD buy using Second Life's Linden Dollar currency. After the purchase, the songs can be downloaded in various formats. Real music bought with virtual money - how's that for 21st century?
Second Life has attracted more business and corporate sponsors in the past months. Last month Dell announced a virtual store inside the game and IBM said it would hold more corporate meetings. IBM already meets dozens of clients inside the game.
Posted by
James Garry
7:55 AM