Wednesday, November 29, 2006

AWESOME: NBC Universal in Second Life :-)

Tonight at 8:55pm EST (5:55pm SLT) NBC Universal will be hosting a virtual Christmas Tree Lighting in Second Life to go hand-in-hand with the lighting of the RL tree in Rockefeller Center. You can attend the event by arriving arriving at any of the 19 sims with the NBC name (NBC 1-19.)

The NBC Universal Headquarters build where the event will be hosted was a collaborative effort between Aimee Weber Studio as the in-world lead (this blogger's company) and the famed Bedazzle Studio. Visitors will be treated with Christmas presents under each tree (a total of nine) and a free pair of ice skates by Moopf which visitors can use to show their stuff on the virtual ice skating rink The sim also includes a lovely coffee shop and elevator rides to the posh Peacock Room high atop the central building. Electric Sheep will be handling streaming services including live musical entertainment and a simulcast on the NBC website.

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