In the wake of today's update to version 1.13.0 (8), we've had either the expected woes -- or more than the expected woes, depending on your perspective. The new friends-list functions seem to be working quite well, as are the chat and IM logging enhancements, but now -- some ten hours past the scheduled update window -- there are still issues.
- Teleportation is an iffy proposition, depending on where you are, where you want to go and when you want to do it. It either works or it doesn't, and many are reporting spurious access denied messages for normally open destinations.
- Linden Dollar balances display -- or don't. It's a bit of a mood thing, apparently, though it now seems to be working more often than it isn't.
- Search - Search is up and down (as they say) 'like the Assyrian Empire'. Now it works, now it doesn't. If you're trying to get a name into an abuse report, you may be just plain out of luck for an hour or more.
- Profiles are slow, slow, quick-quick, slow. Or just not appearing.
- Some rezzed objects are not appearing for many minutes -- or over an hour in some cases.
- Actually using the new friends functions may not work - no response for some time, or at all in some cases -- this appears to be linked to the same up and down cycle of search and profiles. Database clusters are obviously having a cow (or other indictable farm animal)
- Sims falling in a heap and not restarting themselves. An overworked gridmonkey is apparently dealing with them as swiftly as possible -- Send more bananas.

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