Residents of Second have overwhelmingly embraced the survey concept introduced by SurveysXpress. Second Life has its own currency, the Linden Dollar, and as a means of compensation each resident who qualifies and completes their SurveysXpress survey, are paid in Linden dollars. SurveysXpress is a business and consumer survey company that has become a true innovator in leveraging their real world experience and integrating within the virtual reality world of Second Life.
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) November 30, 2006 -- Residents of Second have overwhelmingly embraced the survey concept introduced by SurveysXpress. Second Life has its own currency, the Linden Dollar, and as a means of compensation each resident who qualifies and completes their SurveysXpress survey, are paid in Linden dollars. SurveysXpress is a business and consumer survey company that has become a true innovator in leveraging their real world experience and integrating within the virtual reality world of Second Life.
Ms. Maryann (Szostak) Wolf, the creative leader of SurveysXpress, stated that "Second Life's resident population is growing at an explosive rate. Since August of this year the residents have more than tripled in population to approximately 1.7MM residents." Ms. Wolf also said "Many of the worlds Major Corporations have recognized the tremendous value in the Second Life community and are committing millions of their marketing dollars to secure their position within this exploding medium." SurveysXpress also recognized the incredible opportunity that is associated with the growth of business within Second Life. Opinions and comments are always an essential aspect of valued marketing decisions and SurveysXpress provides immediate feedback.
TouchTrak, a southern California software and technology developer working in conjunction with SurveysXpress produced a simple yet feature rich product. Clients can enjoy immediate access to survey tracking, activity reports, and can effect real time changes as required. TouchTrak's software is a powerful web-based engine that provides self-service capabilities as well as online administrative tools which make it easy and efficient for the client to manage their survey. SurveysXpress brings a truly professional product to the residents of Second Life and those clients who wish to know the residents opinions.
The Ricardo Group (Nevada Corporation) development team envisioned a business model that would explore the rapidly growing virtual reality world of Second Life. SurveysXpress was developed as that model. SurveysXpress continues to move forward within Second Life as a professional service provider and direct link for Real World businesses. SurveysXpress believes the Second Life world will continue to explode and present significant business opportunities for those who embrace the concept. As SurveysXpress evolves their vision will not be limited to the virtual world community, ultimately the technology will expand through out the Real World.
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