Filed under: News, Linden Dollars, Business, Accounts, Linden Labs

This data includes premium user accounts (which grew by an impressive 30.4% in November, to 42,400), user hours (7,464,000 in November, up from 5,722,000 the previous month), land area (254.7 square kilometers) and an interesting set of data about the economy.
For those of us that don't read the raw numbers well, there's some colorful graphs that illustrate the rates and trends, and are well worth the look if you're interested in the growth and health of Second Life as a going economic concern.
There's some interesting lumps and bumps in the data that bears further analysis. While the trends are generally upwards, there's obviously something more complex going on under the surface of these figures.Read | Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments
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