Monday, December 4, 2006

Elf Circle Holiday Charity Week

The Elf Circle invites everyone to come visit their lands in Mystica and ElvenMoor from December 7th to the 15th for their Holiday Charity Week, with proceeds from the fundraiser to benefit charities such as American Red Cross, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, and Doctors without Borders.

The list of events is extensive and varied, featuring such highlights as a synchronized swim and dance by merfolk, live music concerts, and storytelling. This week-long event promises something for everyone, so I urge you all to attend; it's for good causes! Keep an eye here for the list of scheduled events.

As a side note, I apologize for the lack of SLurls, but since the Places tab is currently down, I can't generate them for you. If anyone from the Elf Circle, Isle of Wyrms, or related participating groups is reading this, please send me some in-world coordinates, and I'll include them in this post.

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