Saturday, December 2, 2006

You're all losers

Well, today we have a rather inflammatory op-ed piece from posted, apparently, as a press-release.

"Video game meets Internet at the cutting edge in Linden City, the virtual capitol of Second Life"

Linden City? Now that's a new one on me. The author begins on the violence and sadism in video games, "Video game violence makes a Quinton[sic] Tarantino movie, such as "Kill Bill," look like "Bambi." and then moves straight on to the 'plague' of Internet addiction. Internet addiction is certainly a problem for some, as is gambling and alcoholism and television, that's true. Families are broken up over all these things. I'm not sure if plague is an accurate description, however.

First equating violence and sadism with video games (haven't you ever played Harvest Moon, honey?), then sounding off on Internet addiction. Then digressing for a moment to gamers "In my book --- for those who can recall the word "book" --- all these saps are losers", before drawing the inevitable piece of arithmetic:Second Life = "Video game meets Internet".

Congratulations, our addiction to Internet violence and sadism makes us all saps and losers, while college kids laugh their way to the bank. Charming. You know, if I wanted to experience any sadism, I'd make a blog post on the web. That usually works pretty well for me.

It's pretty plain that the author's either never seen Second Life, or never understood what she was seeing - possibly her only exposure to video games may be the press and a few websites, which sure would explain a lot. Might want to save heaving those stones over in the meantime.

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