Friday, December 1, 2006

Cutting instructor payments

Jesse Linden, with Lucy Linden at his side announced, minutes ago, that the L$500 class subsidy payment for approved instructors is being cut from December 9.

Silence fell.

"The simple reason being it is inconsistent with our economic policy", Jesse Linden said, "and the position of Second Life as a platform.

"I've talked before that I do not like that fact that we approve instructors and classes," he continued, "I think that is a role you can do a much better job of than Linden Lab. What I would like to do is create higher visibility for class events in Second Life, either through the viewer or the website, and essentially drive traffic to your institutions."
Things were initially quiet, then expressions of disbelief, and accusations of unfair dealings began to emerge from the Instructors in the audience, querying the ethics, honesty and sanity of Linden Lab staff members.

"This is totally nuts!" said one. Another: "Its about the commercially astute residents [who are] jealous that we can actually make a difference and teach people how not to get ripped off!"

Invariably, comments focused on the bare monetary issues. "Where is all our money going to then our RL money we send you???"

"I am more unhappy about the idea that there will be few if any free classes. I won't pay to learn and a lot of people won't pay to learn."

"I want to go on record as saying Jesse and Lucy - I think you're cutting your own cyber throats here. But it's your call - all I can do is bitch and moan, which I do plan on doing lots of. But, it IS your decision."
Of course, the Instructors have been expecting this move at every educational meeting in the last several months. Each time a meeting has been called, the rumors have been flying that class subsidies would be cut. Now they have been.

I expect we will see more clarifications and additional information on the official Linden blog fairly soon. Expect a firestorm of commentary in response to this issue and to the non-financial support measures that Linden Lab say they will be putting in place to support educational institutions in non-monetary ways.

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