Friday, December 1, 2006

Supporting New Residents

There are a lot of factors that make new Second Life residents hang about long enough to 'get it' (whatever their personal and individual version of 'it' is, in Second Life).

Chief among these are a peer group, and the right assistance, information and answers at the right time. The Shelter in Swinside, and its slightly younger sister organization, New Citizens Inc. in Kuula (usually just lovingly referred to as The NCI) are the primary providers of those functions.

Only the most hardy of asocial souls manage without a peer group. Just having people to talk to with some commonality of experience, makes you stronger and more resilient. Both of these establishments provide opportunities for that in spades.

The focus of the two groups is divergent and complementary. The Shelter (led by Travis Lambert) is more focused on social interaction, game-shows, dancing and the like. The NCI (led by Carl Metropolitan) focuses more on information resources, tutorials and classes.

Both organizations maintain safe spaces in-world. Each has a set of rules for behavior and people who break those rules or are rude or cause distress to others will be ejected. The new resident in Second Life is well-advised to visit both and see which suits them more.

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