Friday, December 1, 2006

WoW raids Second Life

While Metroblogging Azeroth is usually the domain of our sister site WoW Insider, I was really excited when i saw this on 3PointD today. The WoW guild We Know uses Second Life as a planning tool for raids. They have made Second Life based maps of the World of Warcraft maps and use markers to annotate their plans.

By using a virtual world to plan play in a MMOG We Know is stepping over a bound for distributed working environments that really can not be done with online tools. While WIKIs and Forums allow people to communicate through text, the embodiment a virtual world provides is much closer to the types of interaction we have in the real world. I see Second Life as a natural way to overcome this boundaries and seeing this type of use helps me solidify that view in my head. The one thing I would like to see is the ability to launch WoW from within Second Life with some natural form of transferring between worlds.

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