Friday, December 1, 2006

Golf invades the grid

When I heard about floG!, the recently developed golf incarnation released in world, a sense of purpose and wellbeing swept over me, as if the one thing the world was missing was finally put into place. Golf, or floG! as it is called in world, has finally made an appearance. Second Life is the perfect platform for a golf game. Second Life has a top notch physics engine, and a golf games slow pace and turn based nature make it less affected by lag. For a measly L$300 you can rent the floG! HUD for 3 hours, providing you with one to two hours of play and plenty of time to practice.

The game is located at Hollywood (182,170,29) and is played on an island course. The player wears a special HUD which keeps score and allows the golf experience to take place. It plays very similar to Mario Golf, where you pick your club and swing direction, and then hit the ball when you have the amount of power you desire. Additionally the Golf Club sells golfing equipment and will be holding tournaments. This is one of the best gaming experiences I have had in world, and it is sure to be a success.

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