This is the first in a series of mini-interviews with the residents of Second Life. For the most part, I'll try to leave the responses unedited, except where editing will grant greater clarity. Get to know these people; they're worth befriending!
I met Coal Nelson at the Shelter, a newbie-friendly area which I'll cover in more detail later. She's full of snarky fun and very sweet; go say 'Hi' sometime!
How did you first come to SL?
At one point I spent a lot of time on MUDs/MUSHs. In December 2005, I read an article about Anshe owning land, and thought, 'huh, that's kinda neat', and found SL very similar to the MU* environs.
How did you choose your name?
Well, I was Coal on a couple of the aforementioned MU*. It's a play on my RL name. Nelson was my grandmother's maiden name.
What's your favorite thing about SL?
The people. For sure.
What do you like least about SL?
That I have to log off and go to work. :D
Favorite hangout/store?
The Shelter.
Name one new feature you'd like to see added to SL:
Ability to be a member of more than 15 groups (yes, I know, I know, it's coming eventually!)
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